Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Painted Porch

I received an e-mail last week from a very dear friend of mine requesting that my next blog post be on my porch. She is currently in the process of building a new home and they are going to have a beautiful front porch and since I have a large porch she told me that she is looking for inspiration. I immediately had a pit in the bottom of stomach. You see, my porch has been seriously neglected this summer and currently has no decorations except a couple of potted plants (that I am struggling to keep alive). Not to mention the only thing growing in my flower bed right now are weeds. I don't even have a wreath on my door! However over the course of the last couple of years we have made some improvements. One being we painted the porch... well, that wasn't exactly planned, but it was needed all thanks to me and my brilliant ideas!

Last Halloween the church was having a Trunk-or-Treat and the church members were encouraged to decorate the trunks of their cars. So after much deliberation we decided we were going to do a Star Trek theme. I had a friend that embroidered the symbol on our shirts and everything. So in an effort to win Mom of the Year I gathered together, cardboard, paint, glitter, poster board,  and did I mention paint? We then cut the cardboard into the necessary shape needed to fit into the back of van and then we started to spray paint it. Well that was taking forever! At which point I remembered I had a gallon of plain white flat paint and a paint roller! I was going to have that thing painted solid white in no time and I did! By the time I finished painting the kids were throwing some sort of fit over being hungry. So in an effort to satisfy them for at least 5 minutes I made dinner. Then I gave the baby a bath and put him to bed. At which point I called my husband, who was out of town at the time, to tell him how brilliant I was by painting the cardboard with house paint. After I was done bragging and hung up I attempted to move the cardboard. That's when it happened. I heard 'Clunk!'. And I just knew. I knew in a hurry to get inside to fix dinner I did not put the lid on all the way and that can was sitting on the corner of the cardboard so when I moved it I knocked almost a full gallon of pure white paint all over my porch! In a panic I yelled at my oldest child to bring me the hose and turn on the water. I tried to spray the paint through a drain hole on the side of the porch. Well, that wasn't working, so I holler at my other child to bring me the push broom! He did and my thought process was to "push" the paint to the drain hole and it seemed to be working. That is until I looked down and realized all I had done was turned my broom into a giant paint brush and had painted 1/3 of the porch and it looked awful! At this point I realized I was defeated and probably just ruined our good broom. So I took a picture and sent it to my husband! Thankfully, he found it my HUGE mishap quite funny. Well needless to say after a couple of weeks when he returned home we repainted the whole porch and it looked awesome. Unfortunately I did not take a pic after we painted and as I mentioned earlier my porch is a mess and not picture worthy at the moment. However, I do have the pic I sent to my husband.


Our "Trunk" turned out great by the way!

Don't worry Debbie, I have not forgotten about you. Scroll down and  will find plenty of inspiration!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the inspirations !! And I remember the porch painting Oh to Well... and the glitter everywhere ...!
