Hi there, my name is Amy and I am a wife and mother to 4 wonderful boys, ages 10, 9, 8 and 2 months. All 4 are incredibly unique, smart and creative! My 10 year old is the academic and loves science, dinosaurs and is also quite artistic in his drawing abilities. My 9 year old is all boy! He loves to be outside and dirty, I believe the following would describe him to a T.
Our 8 year old is very imaginative and loves to create worlds that only he is privy to unless, of course, you are invited in, which usually means no girls allowed!
And that brings us to our baby boy.

He is in fact the inspiration for this blog. You see when I found out we going to have another baby, I prayed and prayed for a girl. I wanted to indulge in all things pink, frilly, ruffled and rhinestoned. Then came the day of the ultrasound and the announcement was... IT'S A GIRL! Oh all the ideas I had for decorating and clothing. I could not stop googling for ideas. As time went on we, of course, had to prepare for her arrival which meant registering, picking out a name and planning showers. This pregnancy however, was a little more difficult than my previous ones due to the fact that I had gestational diabetes. My Doctor decided we needed another ultrasound to see how big the baby was (4 weeks before he was born and 1 week before the shower might I add). During that ultrasound the sonographer noticed something new, for the first time in her career, she was wrong - ITS A BOY! My first thought was "Oh no! The shower invitations have already gone out - for Alyssa Grace!" After the appointment I proceeded to contact everyone necessary and I was asked the same thing "are you disappointed?" The truth was, no. I believe that the Lord has a way of preparing our hearts ahead of time. I guess it had to do with the way we found out. It makes for a fun story. Also I know that He is much wiser than I and knows what I can handle more than I do.
I still however craved a girly outlet. Which is the reason for this blog. As much as I love my boys, they do not share my love of frilliness (not sure if that's a word). So I am here to share all my girly likes, crafts and inspirations with all of you.
Thanks for stopping by.